Sipsey Valley Volunteer Fire Department

About Us:
The Sipsey Valley Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer, non-profit, non-
governmental organization that functions as a “volunteer fire department” as defined in § 9-3- 17
of the Code of Alabama 1975, that provides fire and emergency services to a 100 square mile
area in Western Tuscaloosa County, Alabama that approximately 3,000 people call home. Also
contained within the department’s area of responsibility are several businesses, and a large
portion of the 7,155 acres of the Sipsey River Forever Wild Complex. The area in which the
department operates also includes approximately ten miles U.S. Highway 82, a major arterial
thoroughfare connecting Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Columbus, Mississippi. The Alabama Southern
Railroad, a major railway, also traverses the area.
In the aftermath of several fires that rocked the community of Buhl, Alabama, a group of concerned citizens formed the Sipsey Valley Volunteer Fire Department. With community support, the department’s first fire station was erected in 1982. Fire equipment was procured by the department through community donations, donations from other fire departments, and in the case of a particular apparatus, was “gifted” from the City of Tuscaloosa.
Through dedication and hard work, the members of the Sipsey Valley Volunteer Fire Department provide fire prevention, public fire education, fire suppression, and emergency medical services. The department currently acts as a first responder for incidents that include vehicle collisions, structure fires, medical emergencies, emergency roadway obstruction clearance, public fire safety education, courtesy home fire safety inspections, and courtesy fire alarm installations. In addition, we perform search and rescue operations as well as wildland firefighting operations in support of our public safety partners.
“Proudly serving because we care!”